At the onset, I would like to congratulate all the students of DBA, who have been promoted to next class with flying colors and also a grand welcome to the new entrants, who, I believe are very fortunate to get admission in DBA, which may also be called as “MAA SARASWATI’s ABODE”, where you will find a lovely blend of high class education, with equal emphasis on inculcating moral values too, which is a necessary foundation for building a healthy society and a strong Nation.
Every child has something UNIQUE,which he is especially good at. He/She has something special to offer to society and country. I want you all to discover that uniqueness in you and here at DBA all students are provided every possible opportunity through our teaching system which helps them to discover themselves.
Students today, are the future of the country. Whatever you learn here today will determine whether as a Nation, can you meet our the greatest challenges in the future? DBA promises to give such opportunities and as well as exposure to develop children’s latent capacity. I would not miss the opportunity to thank our valuable, responsible and highly supportive parents, who have always stood by us in good or challenging times and played a very important role in motivating us and the children.
Last but not the least, the pillars of DBA, the teachers, without whom, we would not have reached, where we are. Our dear teachers have always put in more than 100% efforts for the well being of our school and students and have left no stones unturned to inspire them in whatever they do...
I would once again like to share with our students that, you may have the most dedicated teachers, most supportive parents and the best schools in the world –none of it will matter, unless you as a student fulfill your responsibility for your education. I want you to start with the responsibility you have to yourself. True is the saying ‘GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES’. At the end, I can say with pride that, here in DBA- ‘YOU DESIGN YOUR OWN DESTINY’